In the mornings, I like to come downstairs to make coffee for April and me. As I'm waiting for the water to heat up and the coffee to brew, I like to sit quietly for a few moments in my thoughts or to pray. Usually, its nice and quiet, but some mornings it's hard to concentrate because our son's room is adjacent to the living room, and he likes to go to sleep watching shows on his TV. Sometimes that TV is *loud*, and I have to find ways to drown out the voices. I'll put a fan on, or I'll turn on the living room TV and crank some white noise. Still, the voices bleed through. There's another voice that we like to drown out, too, but it is even more relentless in how it cuts through our attempts to drown it out. It's not an audible voice, but it is no less real. This voice haunts us with reminders of how we fall short of our humanity. We try to cover it up with bravado. We try to turn it into a motivational voice for self-improvement....
Thoughts, reinventions, meanderings, struggles, temporary sidebars, momentary peaks, and long-term learnings through my walk of faith with Jesus...